With Blues music on the verge of Psychology

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Seeing it Through that my kind of psychology is the rarest of its purest form. Welcoming you to my wonder is in acceptance of a figure for you to enjoy. What else do we do? Entertaining our guest is in its beloved drunkest ideas, indefatigable.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


It came to me a while, when those feelings of ozzyness because of the unfair world. We tend to think things should be done in such a way, and think that things should be as like as what it is. But it does not turn out that way, and we happen to be very disappointed by it. We get along with it, but most of the time we don't. We tend to think about it all the time, and keep turning ourselves in a tune of anger, resentment thoughts and hateful remarks think that we should throw tantrums or revolutions in return of the things that is done.

But what is done, when the things get done?

The results that we get toxificates our bodies to the ground, leaving a radiation filled system which deteriorates in time. If these days would happen, that I would throw those angers to it, what could it cause? Its more trouble and we tend to find resolution after, and sought things are done for the better. We couldn't just care what they will feel.

Does the bigger picture could be miss-painted by an anonymous artist?

The artist is yourself, but the formula of going through it will cost few things, and it will certainly cost you. Understanding can be achieved in a professional field, but would this be the case of the commons? No. It might cost you more big as it is, because commoners are more susceptible to the solution of how they feel. It could cost you your life. For more drag of the opinion would be lengthy.

How does acceptance comes in hand? We know that it is also part of the 5 stages of death, where acceptance comes in the end. Our conscious thought of beliefs in life has the greatest impact on how we handle these things over. To turn it over, is to understand a few things.

Our core beliefs in life, is not the facts of life. Our personal beliefs in it to think that our friend will be loyal, does not mean they will. These makes ourselves a purpose of being alive. If it doesn't fit, make it fit. The old solution doesn't suppose to work compare from the olden days for now. They just need a little twist in the maneuver so they will work. Human is a function of decision.

So make the right call.

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