With Blues music on the verge of Psychology

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Seeing it Through that my kind of psychology is the rarest of its purest form. Welcoming you to my wonder is in acceptance of a figure for you to enjoy. What else do we do? Entertaining our guest is in its beloved drunkest ideas, indefatigable.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Econs: The Buddhist afterlife Currency

Respective audience, bare with me sincerely. I Couldn't help it in understanding my previous roots, althought it wasn't the same as today anymore, that the tradition that is held seems funnier than I thought to be. My grandmother is still practicing some degree of budhist ritual of respect which I have no idea of, but curious about it. Seems nothing that is less interesting will not not get my attention.

When I enter the shop, some buddhist shop, it was full of red candles and stuff where they use to burnt incense in due respect of the dead. All was full of products on particular stuff that you never thought would sound like. Paper Cars, Paper clothing, paper Gold and diamond ring, rolex, and all the stuff is paper made which is meant to be burn for the after life. And the funny thing is how you gonna drive a mercedez benz in there? whichever is suppose (heaven or hell, I dont know) But they even have paper money, currency to be burnt for them! Not sure whats the purpose although, i heard stories that they use it in hell to bribe the punishers. (.......)

I heard about this kind of stuff mostly from singapore's ghost story whereby they claim that they talked with their grandmother in a telephone (the paper made telephone) and few other bizzare claims from people around the globe. It makes me curious of such events to take place, nor how it may sound like, it fascinates me.

Nevertheless, they still bother me through my curiosity. But they are best left unanswered rather than told. I just had to keep guessing why, or probably someday i'll know why. Who knows, maybe sooner or later.

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