With Blues music on the verge of Psychology

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Seeing it Through that my kind of psychology is the rarest of its purest form. Welcoming you to my wonder is in acceptance of a figure for you to enjoy. What else do we do? Entertaining our guest is in its beloved drunkest ideas, indefatigable.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leave britney alone!!!

LEAVE THE, who the... NAme Chris crocker, Very viciously gay who even got his drunk-naked picture taken by accident in a recent press crowding over him. Famously made by his posting of a video in youtube, that made the whole world LAUGHING OUT HARD! its a feeling of sympathy towards him, well he's not so much of a bad person who TRIED to backing up britney in her recent hard time over her life, slowly coping up by the hard times "professionals" pressing her as claim by chris. Well if it wasnt for the look-so-not-fake video he wont make it after all. I mean as in how he is now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shuffling phenomenA

If its not about the shuffle then its about the dance, its just a ripping off eyes wonder fucking cool dance ever, so far. What makes it more cooler it's because of the Trance music used for dancing it, not just some US base dance song that totally freakin' lame my ass off atm.

Trance Energy aka Melbourne Resistance, formed organized shuffling team in kota kinabalu, Sabah has reach the topping of ass kicking dancers, widely expending influence in region. Well i dont really know them alot, but yes most are from my highschool, SM La salle, a team of a sub-organised from a racing team called Czer.

There is this school mate of mine, he looks idiot but he's pretty cool for some reason, Kingsley brought shuffle dance from melbourne when he came back from melbourne, of course. Told me he studying piloting there and bla bla w/e, then he told me and my other friend, about shuffle dance. When i saw he did it its like, wow, this is the new culture in sabah by the next 2 years. Well shortly after, maybe exactly 1year and 6months, the immigrants is already shuffling! I saw and said like what the fuck are those pilak doing? So I overheard this shuffle dance is already made famous across malaysia so whatever trend coming up next, it would need to be so cool and style to surpass shuffle dance trend. Its healthy like eating your veges, pretty cool activity to take as hobby.

The dance comprises of putting your foot upfront and do the walking man and switch to w.e style you want, you can wear a cool pants, there is a cool shuffle pants just google it. Dance looks like a air ventilator tubing air across, smoothly switching their leg across. There is still little influence on the hobby of dancing for men cause some might think that its gay but be optimistic and start put those fucking foot up and move your body rather than sleeping and watching television every evening.
There is lot more shuffle dance phenomena going around in the region but basically SEAsian country, somewhere around europe, deutchs, no where in the states yet, Most in aussie i guess. Here are some local doing melbourne shuffle from TE crew in kk, pretty cool too.

Monday, August 18, 2008

No mercy No more - Within Temptation

If it sounds like too Gothic for you then go on with your commercialize song because here, is a singer with superb voice that melts my pants off!

Yes it melts my shirts too, my whole body was shaken coz its a creepy song portrays death, silence, and fundamental black force of the evil qitch! I have no doubt they will soon shine upon the mountaint of babara. I am just in awe!!

Well its a combination of Orchestric Rock Metal, Gothic in direct, With an Excellent Voice that propagates to the Heavens. It creates a melancholic ambience once the song is played, Ecspecially their songs titles "memories" which brings you to the death of your dog. There is no defect of tone yet in any of their hits, There is just nothing sound or seems to be wrong!

Now this song above me is the creepy one, with a tragic ancient mountain knights sound like song reminds me of spartan mountain, or the part where leonidus left with 300 w.e, the magical sounds that kills my heart for any other song for the day! Its going to be me and the band song all day, its just fascinating! The video Entitled Memories brings you to a memories of an old lady, recalling her past on the house that she put on sale.

This one, si a symphony of human intentions, which can be either good or bad, a direct message showing the scenario of Good Vs Evil, message that sparks your spines for your action towards life, and solemnly reflect to who have you fuck with, someones life, or who fucked you but that doesnt really matter. This is the 2 best song ever heard out from them.

RAte them? 10 out of 9